This is a beta/testing instance of PeeringDB. Some features may work differently than production. Do not store data here that you intend to keep - all data will be refreshed from production at 2025-03-02 00:00:00Z
Also Known As
Long Name
Address 1
Address 2
Country Code
Geocode data for this entity could not be obtained at this point. This is done automatically upon address field changes.
Last Updated
Cooolbox is a Bulgarian Network Service Provider with over twenty years of experience in the development of communication solutions for private customers, small and medium - sized companies.
The Cooolbox network is entirely built on the FTTH - AON technology and is the only one of its kind in Bulgaria. In recent years, the network has been completely refurbished and expanded and is consistent with the high standards of technology used.
The equipment of Cooolbox is situated in the two major data centers in Sofia, providing full redundancy of the network and management systems.