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Guangdong Cloudbase Technology Co., Ltd.
Also Known As
Long Name
Address 1
10/F baolan plaza, pazhou, Haizhu district,
Address 2
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Last Updated
Who we are?
Our company is a leading Chinese IDC and cloud service provider, who dedicated to offer customer internet connection service, colocation service and integrated information technology service. Members of operation team are all from HUAWEI and 21vianet and have abundant experience in IDC industry. With rich bandwidth resources, carefree customers service, all-around solutions, professional service quality, credible business sprit, GuangDong Cloudbase Company becomes one of the outstanding Internet operator, Internet game and live-streaming business priority partner.
Now we have 3 fully-owned data center in Guangzhou and Shenzhen with over 10000 racks. Specifically, ShenZhen Peng datacenter is costumed for ALIBABA and HUAWEI. We are now dedicated to expanding global market and assisting Chinese’s company exploring overseas’ market especially deploy IDC and Cloud service in core market.
What our customer do?
Our customers are mainly consisted of private cloud company, Internet games company, live-streaming company and Smartphone manufacture. For example: Ali Cloud, Kingsoft Cloud, HUAWEI Cloud, NETEASE(NASDAQ:NTES), Bigo Live, Oppo, Vivo, iQiyi, YY(NASDAQ:YY), Tecent Cloud and so on.